Dyslexic students Bill passes the House

Written by emallers on February 5th, 2015

State Rep. Woody Burton authored House Bill (HB) 1108 which more clearly defines dyslexia and provides resources for teachers to identify students with the disorder. The bill passed out of the House with a unanimous vote.

“One in five people in the U.S. are dyslexic to some degree,” said Rep. Burton. “This bill will help ensure a bright future for all Indiana students, and I am pleased to see it receive bipartisan support.”

A few years ago, Rep. Burton met a Greenwood mother who is an active member of Indiana’s Decoding Dyslexia organization. She shared with him some of the challenges encountered by those affected by the disorder. Decoding Dyslexia is an organization led by families who want to raise awareness about the prevalence of dyslexia and educate the public about the facts of the disorder. Since this discussion, Rep. Burton has spent a great deal of time advocating for people with dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that may affect an individual’s ability to read, write, and spell words. The disorder does not indicate intelligence level and is unrelated to an individual’s ability to learn, think or be creative. Many successful people have struggled with dyslexia, including Stephen Spielberg, Charles Schwab and Steve Jobs.

“Students with dyslexia are not unintelligent; they just learn in a different way,” said Rep. Burton. “This legislation makes sure that these students are given the opportunities they deserve and that teachers are well-equipped to teach every student in their classrooms.”

HB 1108 will now go to the Senate for further discussion and debate. Visit www.iga.in.gov for more information about the bill.


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