Burton’s bill adding civics test to high school government classes could soon be law

Written by emallers on April 10th, 2019

With support from the Indiana Senate and the House of Representatives, State Rep. Woody Burton’s legislation that would make the U.S. citizenship test a part of high school government classes could soon become law.  

According to a survey conducted by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, only a third of Americans could pass a multiple-choice U.S. citizenship test. Burton said without having a firm understanding of U.S. government and history, young Hoosiers may be at a disadvantage when engaging in their civic responsibilities.

“Whether discussing local issues or voting for their elected officials, it is critical all Hoosiers know the importance of their civic duty,” Burton said. “Our country’s history is very important, and knowing where we come from helps shape our future – especially in a democracy. Too often, we are so focused on moving forward to the next chapter of our lives, we lose sight of our past.” 

Under this legislation, the American citizenship test would be administered in a high school government class, which Burton said is already a requirement to graduate. Students would need to take the test in order to receive credit. According to Burton, this would ensure students gain this critical knowledge, without hindering their ability to graduate.

Senate Enrolled Act 132 is now eligible for action by the governor. Visit iga.in.gov to learn more.


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