Get Right To It

Written by emallers on November 9th, 2011

Well, I will get straight to the point. Addressing issues facing K-12 education in our community and our state is a huge concern. Educating our youth must be one of the most important parts of growing and improving our economy. Simply said, we must start at the bottom and work our way up.


There are many issues surrounding K-12 education on the local and national level, including a student’s ability to learn and a teacher’s ability to teach in a changing social environment. We need to address those issues, one by one. I met with teachers last week from Center Grove and Clark Pleasant schools to discuss growing concerns regarding public education in our community.


The turnout was less than what I had hoped, but the conversation was inspiring. We touched on many different issues from problems in the classroom, parents’ involvement, or test scores to teacher evaluations. There wasn’t a topic that was off the table. I wanted to hear from them, and I wanted to discuss how we can go about fixing these issues.


The turnout at Center Grove was alright, but the turnout at Clark Pleasant was very light. Superintendents were also present to give their feedback and share their concerns. And, to no surprise to me, members from the teachers union were also present to voice their concerns.


I am glad that the teachers were well represented by their superintendents and teachers union, both of which were very vocal in their concerns. However, I want to hear from the teachers themselves.


I am glad that people are passionate about education—the issue affects everyone, not just students. However, my goal is to continue having an open discussion with teachers in order to hear feedback and ways of addressing these concerns. I feel they don’t get a fair opportunity to be heard, for whatever reason that may be.


I want to hear their concerns and their thoughts on how we can improve the education system as a whole. They are the individuals on the frontline of education. They are the ones that have to implement plans set out for educating our youth.


If you have concerns, ideas or questions, please contact me. You can call my office at 1-800-382-9841 or email at

I will be at Greenwood High School on Nov. 15 from 3:45 to 5:45 p.m. In addition, I will be visiting Creekside Elementary on Nov. 16 as “Principal of the Day.” If you can come out and see me, I would enjoy hearing from you. If not, please contact me by phone or email. Either way, I want to hear from you!


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