Independence Day, more than fireworks

Written by emallers on July 3rd, 2013

The 4th of July is a time to celebrate what the United States of America is for each one of us. Our country was born out of the desire to create a government that works for the freedom of its citizens, providing all with the ability to choose their own path.

Our nation began the fight for freedom on July 4, 1776, and we have not stopped defending democracy since. Whether it is crossing the Delaware on a cold winter’s night, storming the beaches of Normandy or charging into the Twin Towers with the sole focus of saving a life, Americans are the first to protect our liberties. Through trials and tribulations America continues to be a beacon of hope around the world.

As long as we have a government of the people, by the people, for the people, then it will not perish from the earth.

Have a wonderful 4th of July with your friends and family.

God Bless America!


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